Please use our online booking system to book your pet into our services
Terms and Conditions
All dogs to be fully immunised: C5
We will take every precaution to ensure your pet has a happy and safe stay, but Farm Style Doggy Daycare will not accept responsibility for Canine Influenza, loss/escapes, illness or any kind of injury/ies.
In the event that it is necessary for the proprietors of Farm Style Doggy Daycare to seek veterinary assistance without the consent of the client who may be unavailable to provide such consent, then the client agrees that the cost of any procedure undertaken as a result will be their full and financial responsibility.
Payments are non-refundable, except under exceptional circumstances and at the sole discretion of Farm Style Doggy Daycare.
Farm Style Doggy Daycare reserve the right to refuse any animal and no reason shall be given.
Photos and videos taken during farm trips are the intellectual property of Farm Style Doggy Daycare. We reserve the right to use them as necessary.
The client specifically represents that he or she is the sole owner of the pet/s free and clear of all liens and encumbrances